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Published: July 31, 2019   
CNS / Paul Haring

Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's July 27 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.


Moon landing 50 years ago still generates sense of wonder

WASHINGTON -- When Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong gingerly stepped onto the surface of the moon July 20, 1969, Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno had no idea that some day he would become the director of the Vatican Observatory.

East, West, North and South: Catholic events for 2018-19

This pull-out two-sided poster is a convenient way for Catholics in Arkansas to plan or attend events all over the state.

Can a funeral Mass be held on a Sunday?

Q. Recently a funeral Mass was offered on a Sunday afternoon in our parish for a longtime parishioner. I believe I remember as a child being taught by the sisters in our Catholic school that funerals were never held on Sundays (except possibly in time of war or during the Middle Ages when the plague was rampant). Have things changed? (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)

Summer ministry offers taste of tougher side of priesthood

The rector of St. Meinrad Seminary, Father Denis Robinson, OSB, gives a talk to the new first-year theology students at the beginning of every year. Two years ago, when I was a first-year theology student, he gave that same talk to my class. (Columns)

U.S. astronauts found God in space

I didn’t realize there was a moon-landing Bible verse until my pastor mentioned it a few weeks ago. (Guest Commentary)

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